Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco
The annual inflation rate for Alcoholic beverages and tobacco category, which accounts for 12.6 percent of the consumer basket, remain unchanged at 7.1 percent. Month-on-month, inflation rate for this category was 0.2 percent compared to 1.4 percent that was registered a month earlier.
This Month Analysis
AAnnnnuuaall iinnffllaattiioonn rraattee ffoorr AAllccoohhoolliicc bbeevveerraaggeess registered a slow increase of 7.2 percent in February 2024, compared to 7.6 percent recorded in February 2023. The main products which pushed down the inflation ate for this subcomponent were White Spirits (from 26.0% to 9.0%); Brandies (from 8.1% to 4.7%) and Wines (from 5.5% to
Annual inflation rate for Tobacco increased to 6.6 percent during the period under review compared to 5.1 percent recorded same period of 2023. The increase in the price levels for this subcategory was reflected in P.1 percent recorded same perio